Rationality in the Sciences and Philosophy Tomas G. Rosario フィリピン、アテネオデマニラ大学哲学科教授 Professor, Philosophy Department, Ateneo de Manila University/Philippines 統一思想の研究
Moral Responsibility of Intellectuals: The Cosmic Good and the Liberation of the Original Conscience Keisuke Noda ニューヨーク、統一神学校 Unification Theological Seminary, New York/USA 統一思想の研究
Conceptual Roadblocks to an Understanding of Spiritual Reality in the Western Philosophical Tradition Claude Perrottet 世界思想統合のための研究機関事務総長ブリッジポート、コネチカット州、アメリカ 統一思想の研究
The Unity of Sciences Viewed from the Law of Giving-and-Receiving and the Law of Indemnity of Unification Thought Chuan-Fong Chang 台湾統一思想研究院副院長 Vice-President, UTI of Taiwan 統一思想の研究
Science and Unification Thought from the Standpoint of Physics Alexander N. Romashov ロシア、モスクワ、力学研究所所長 Director, Institute of Dynamics of Geological Spheres, Moscow/Russia 統一思想の研究
Ecumenism and The Harmony of Religions: Outlooks for The Millennium Ivan Kaltchev ブルガリア、ソフィア大学教授 "St. Kliment Ohridsky" University of Sofia, Chairman of the Bulgarian Association of Philosophy, Sofia/Bulgaria 統一思想の研究
A Comparative Study Concerning the Yin-Yang Theory and Hylo-morphism Peter Kun-yu Woo 台湾、輔仁大学 Catholic Fujen University Taiwan, R. O. C. 統一思想の研究
Panentheism and the Quest for Unity Tomas G. Rosario, Jr. フィリピン、ケソンシティー、アテネオデマニラ大学哲学科教授 Professor, Department of Philosophy, Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City/Philippines 統一思想の研究
The New Epistemology by Unification Thought Byung-hwan Choi 大田大学哲学教授 Professor of Philosophy, Daejon University, Korea 統一思想の研究
Intricate Connections: Concerning the Mathematical Precision of the Universe in View of a Design Theory of Creation and Some Implications of Unification Thought David A. Carlson 統一神学校世界宗教准教授 Associate Professor of World Religions, Unification Theological Seminary 統一思想の研究