Unity of Sciences and Unification Thought from the Viewpoint of the East-West Economic Philosophy Wei Wou 台湾、淡江大学経済学教授 Professor of Economics, Tamkang University/Taiwan Unification Thought
In Search for a New Theory of Value in Economics: A Key to the Construction of an Ideal Society 古田武士 Takeshi Furuta 日本、統一思想研究院上級研究員 Senior Researcher,UTI-Japan Economic
アジア共同体構想と統一思想:経済関係論に視点を求めて The Plan for an Asian Community and Unification Thought: Seeking a Perspective in Economic Relations 山崎仁 Masashi Yamazaki 元関東学院大学教授 Former Professor of Kanto Gakuin University 統一思想